The Skills
Definition: Acquired and recognized ability. Natural or acquired disposition of someone to do something.
One option in the game is to collect ability points.
The game features 10 abilities, which are blue in color except for love (green).
Being oneself, willpower
Being oneself means remaining authentic. To achieve this, one must know oneself.
Being and thinking collectively
Thoughts and behaviors on behalf of a collective rather than an individual.
Sociability, communication
Establishment of a network of social relationships. Ability to say things with tact.
The ability of an individual to create, that is, to imagine and realize something new; it can also be the ability to discover a new, original solution to a given problem.
Ability to dare, to change, freedom
The ability of individuals to evolve their perspective. The ability to move forward and not remain stuck in the face of difficulties.
Love, family
Attraction, whether emotional or physical, that an individual feels towards another being, with whom they are already connected or seek to be connected through a typically close bond.
Spirituality, intuition
Practices that concern the life of the soul, independent of matter. Feeling or conviction of what cannot be verified, of what does not yet exist.
Management, work
Action or manner of managing, administering, directing, organizing something. Activity applied to the production, maintenance of something.
Humanity, idealism
Attitude that proposes a high ideal, that believes in ideal values for humanity.
Mystical vibration
Energy linked to a divine power, to moments of transformation.