The Halos

Over time and through your experiences in your earthly lives, your aura will progress. Auras are divided into 7 main levels with 6 intermediate levels. The white level corresponds to a learner before their first arrival on Earth. Once you've completed an earthly life, your level is at least "red". So, you'll need to progress through these different levels as you gain experience through your experiences/lives to reach the "violet" stage. You'll move to a higher level (for example, from red to orange) once all abilities have reached a minimum score of 9. The details of promotions and experience retakes are explained in the game rules.
On your "meditator" piece, there are two "holes/spaces" that have not been used so far, located on the figurine at the level of the "knees". The one on the left corresponds to the level you are currently at. The one on the right is either the same color or the directly higher level. As soon as an ability reaches level 9, the halo on the right changes to the color of the higher level. Once all abilities have reached level 9 in the left slots, the hole on the left moves up one level, and so on until it reaches the violet level.
This option in the game is reserved for those who engage in multiple games and keep track of their results. The way your earthly life will be counted is not explained here on the web, you'll have to play to find out :-)