From their majority, each player can move anywhere on the game board, except for the first 18 squares. They can, unless otherwise stated, decide to use 1 to 3 dice and move the total of the dice. The player cannot make a round trip in their turn, but it is possible in the next turn to move backwards. If during your journey you pass through a space, you have the possibility to stop your effort and stay in that space.

If the final square of a path is occupied by a player, it means that the path is not allowed. You will have to take another one. If no option exists, you stay on your current square. Space squares can be occupied by multiple players at the same time. After you move, you will mark an experience (or more) in one of the abilities/virtues/dragons in your life notebook. You will also draw an event card representing a highlight of the year and carry out the action on the card.

The dice have the following values:
Die a) 6 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 0
Die b) 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Die c) 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 0

Interesting, isn't it? Depending on what is desired, it is possible to roll 1 to 3 dice with different values. Except... when your ego or your fears become too great. Your movements then become limited. The first Fear and Ego tokens have no consequence. It is even normal to have an ego and a certain fear to protect ourselves. However, from the 2nd token of the same category, it is considered that your fear or ego becomes excessive. The consequence is that you lose one die. On the 3rd token, you will only roll one die.

Don't worry, you can go to certain spaces to erase fears and ego. An opportunity to work on yourself.

Eden the game of life token the ego
Eden the game of life token the ego
Eden the game of life token the fears
Eden the game of life token the fears

The ego token

The fear token

The limiting factors