Special functions

It will be necessary for some players to occupy, in addition to their regular role, a special function. These roles number three.


The role of the Timekeeper is crucial. This responsibility is entrusted to the elder of the game.

At each turn, they are in charge of the hourglass on the timeline and monitoring everyone's progress on this timeline. Moving represents the passage to the new year. When the hourglass reaches a "dice of death" space, they indicate a dice roll and select the dice corresponding to the relevant pictograms.

Banker and Assistant Tax Collector

A banker must be appointed for the entire game. They will assist Jomul the dragon.

Their role is multifaceted:

  1. They will pay salaries.

  2. They will empty Jomul the dragon's pouch when it is full in order to put the money back in the bank.

  3. In case of financial disputes, they will decide what is right. The rule is simple: the law always favors the bank or Jomul for taxes, except in cases of manifest error in a calculation. Their decisions are unassailable.

The group selects the banker.


If someone draws the "Sage" archetype card, they automatically become the authority in case of any misunderstanding of the rules of this game. Their decision will be the rule for the game.

If no one has drawn the "Sage" card, each player rolls a six-sided dice. The player who rolls the lowest number is designated as the "Sage" and gains the power to clarify the rules as needed.