Choosing a new life

The dice have spoken! Your time has come to return to Earth. You will advance your game piece on the "choice/preparation" space during your next turn. Your guide will ask you about the subjects you want to "work on," then indicate the main challenges to face in this future life and what will happen. You can choose to renounce this life if the challenges are too high.

However, if you "awaken" during your stay on Earth, another "life" will begin at that moment. The perspectives will be different. The future is never entirely written! You can change it, with effort!

Then you move your game piece to the "Departure/Goodbye" space. It's time to say goodbye, even though most of the group will descend again at close intervals. You will become strangers to each other once more. You search a bit illusorily for a rallying sign.

It's time to re-enter the vortex/tunnel. You are now comfortably settled for a few more months. The time for your "memory" to temporarily fade away. The sheet is blank, it's up to you to color it in the most beautiful ways!

Eden the game of life Celestial extension choice of a new life
Eden the game of life Celestial extension choice of a new life
Eden the game of life Celestial extension Departure
Eden the game of life Celestial extension Departure
Eden the game of life Celestial extension Vortex
Eden the game of life Celestial extension Vortex
Eden the game of life Celestial extension Re-birth
Eden the game of life Celestial extension Re-birth