Eden the game of life compass
Eden the game of life compass


Message from the High Council

Dear soul,


With courage, you have chosen to return to the material world in order to grow.

In accordance with the exchanges with your guide, we have prepared this life for you. It will incorporate what some call "trials," but we prefer to refer to them as "experiences." Because that's what they are, neither more nor less. Some will be there to help heal your past pains or allow you to consider the situation already experienced from a different angle or even to dare to confront it.

Experiences of matter and flesh are both the most beautiful and the strongest, but also the most exhilarating in every sense. They will be the basis of your memories up here.

It is up to you to grow your share of divinity. You carry it in your heart. Be the creator of your world. Let your energy vibrate.

The lure of materialism and your ego may lead you away from your initial goals. However, you always have your free will, your power of action, and creation at your disposal.

You are now settled in this cocoon for another 4 months, a time that is necessary for the temporary erasure of your memory. Then, it will be your turn to play!

We believe in you! With all our love!

The Council

P.S. No, you're not coming back for an apple! It's up to you and the other "players" to turn it into a Paradise.