The spaces

Eden the game of life Central space
Eden the game of life Central space
Eden the game of life Big boss
Eden the game of life Big boss
Eden the game of life Nursery space
Eden the game of life Nursery space
Eden the game of life Birth space
Eden the game of life Birth space
Eden the game of life Understanding space
Eden the game of life Understanding space
Eden the game of life Books of life space
Eden the game of life Books of life space
Eden the game of life Council space
Eden the game of life Council space
Eden the game of life Self judgement space
Eden the game of life Self judgement space
Eden the game of life Reunion space
Eden the game of life Reunion space
Eden the game of life Contact space
Eden the game of life Contact space
Eden the game of life Entertainment space
Eden the game of life Entertainment space
Eden the game of life Reflective space
Eden the game of life Reflective space
Eden the game of life Memories space
Eden the game of life Memories space
Eden the game of life Travel space
Eden the game of life Travel space
Eden the game of life Pet space
Eden the game of life Pet space
Eden the game of life Choices preparation space
Eden the game of life Choices preparation space
Eden the game of life Departure space
Eden the game of life Departure space
Eden the game of life Rebirth
Eden the game of life Rebirth
Eden the game of life Vortex
Eden the game of life Vortex
Eden the game of life Diploma space
Eden the game of life Diploma space
Eden the game of life Departure space
Eden the game of life Departure space

Central space
From here, you will embark on your various celestial activities.

Eden the game of life Icon Central place
Eden the game of life Icon Central place
Eden the game of life Icon Big boss
Eden the game of life Icon Big boss

Big Boss

Call it whatever you like: God, Allah, Yahweh, the Almighty, the Creator, the Divine, the Universe...

Eden the game of life Icon Baby
Eden the game of life Icon Baby

"Birth" space

Here is the birth space. A little soul is about to be born.

"Nursery" space

The first care for a new soul. It's also the place for a celestial function: Soulcare.

Eden the game of life Icon Baby bottle
Eden the game of life Icon Baby bottle

"Care" space

This is about caring for souls returning from their earthly life when needed. This is where the function of caregiver is learned.

Eden the game of life Icon School
Eden the game of life Icon School

"Learning" space

The "learning" space is where young souls begin their apprenticeship, and older ones specialize in one or more areas.

A teaching role is responsible for providing instruction.

Eden the game of life Icon Hospital
Eden the game of life Icon Hospital

"Understanding" space

This space is dedicated to deeper understanding, emotional perception, and practical experiences.

"Books of life" space

This is where you will relive certain scenes from your past lives, but from different perspectives. You will feel what others felt during your actions.

A librarian function is available to prepare the soul's books for the reader/actor involved.

Eden the game of life Icon Understanding
Eden the game of life Icon Understanding
Eden the game of life Icon Book
Eden the game of life Icon Book
Eden the game of life Icon Council
Eden the game of life Icon Council

"Council" Space

This is where the Council meets. Summonses are usually either for very positive reasons or for very negative ones.

"Reflective" space

It is sometimes necessary after certain lives to isolate oneself in order to reflect on the actions taken.

Eden the game of life Icon Reflective refkexion
Eden the game of life Icon Reflective refkexion
Eden the game of life Icon Entertainement
Eden the game of life Icon Entertainement
Eden the game of life Icon Contact
Eden the game of life Icon Contact
Eden the game of life Icon Souvenir
Eden the game of life Icon Souvenir
Eden the game of life Icon Luggage travel
Eden the game of life Icon Luggage travel
Eden the game of life Icon Home sweet home
Eden the game of life Icon Home sweet home
Eden the game of life Icon Pet
Eden the game of life Icon Pet
Eden the game of life Icon Choice a new life
Eden the game of life Icon Choice a new life
Eden the game of life Icon Departure
Eden the game of life Icon Departure
Eden the game of life Icon Vortex
Eden the game of life Icon Vortex
Eden the game of life Icon  birth
Eden the game of life Icon  birth
Eden the game of life Icon Party
Eden the game of life Icon Party
Eden the game of life Icon Judgement
Eden the game of life Icon Judgement
Eden the game of life Icon Diploma
Eden the game of life Icon Diploma
Eden the game of life Icon taxi
Eden the game of life Icon taxi

"Entertainment" space

Space dedicated to entertainment: theater, games, singing, etc.!

A training allows you to occupy a function of "celestial artist

"Memories" space

Space dedicated to the memories of past lives.

Sometimes, it's good to revisit these moments.

"Contacts" space

Space dedicated to contacts with souls on Earth. Synchronicity, dreams, symbols, messages.

"Private" space

It's up to you to imagine it with your memories.

"Pet" space

This is where you can ask to see some pets for a moment. A function of animal seeker allows to search for the spirits of former four-legged companions.

"Choices/preparations" space

It's time to prepare for this new life. What subjects do you want to work on? You'll see what will happen, although the future is uncertain and you have your free will. You'll need to be strong to change it, possibly through an awakening. How does your life change if you succeed? You have the choice to give up if you find the challenges too high.

"Departure" space

Space reserved for "farewells," although typically a group descends together. Soon you'll be strangers again. Here, Lucy and Tao are trying not to forget that the stone they'll be sitting on will mark the beginning of their adventure.


Passage through the vortex.

A coordinator function allows for bridging the earthly and celestial realms.


Just a few more months to completely erase your memory, and a new earthly life will begin.

"Reunion" space

It's party time! Reunion after a fulfilling earthly life!

"Self-judgment" space

It's time for self-assessment. What have you succeeded in? What have you failed at? Feedback from souls who accompanied you during your earthly life will also be provided.

"Departure" space

Departure for new adventures! The universe is yours to explore! A new world? Choosing to stay as a sage and impart your wisdom is another option. The Big Boss would approve of that very much!

"Guidance" space

Space reserved for exchanges with your guide and for giving advice to your pupils.

Eden the game of life Icon Guidance help
Eden the game of life Icon Guidance help

"Travel" space

Dedicated to excursions to other planets. A long-distance transporter function is available after completing its training.

Eden the game of life Guidance space
Eden the game of life Guidance space

"Diploma" space

Completion! After many lives on Earth, you have finally succeeded! What effort, failures, attempts, and selflessness!"