The Board
Four-fold plateau measuring 24 x 20 inches, or 60.9 cm by 50.8 cm, with a seamless fold. Smooth matte surface without reflection.
It is possible to play exclusively on this board.
Upon reaching 18 years old, you can move around the board as you wish based on your interests and life goals. Dice will determine the maximum progress you can make in one turn. However, the paths are not always paved with good intentions. Sometimes it will be preferable to take another route.
On the left side and the top of the board, there is a time scale. Periodically, you will need to roll the "dices of death." One game turn represents a year of earthly life. The probability of rolling all sides of the dice with skulls increases with the years. Can you live up to 99 years?
If you land on a space, you will draw an event card representing the highlight of your year.
Spaces will allow you to study, get promotions, get married or live together, sue other players, go on quests, buy material goods, etc.
Do you wish to be in the limelight? Experience intense pleasures? Have many children? Defend the planet? It's up to you to choose your path.